Provers 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Like so many before us, Trey and I know fully the sickness of heart that comes from hope deferred. Our journey to becoming parents has been filled with loss (miscarriage in 2009), sorrow, and infertility. Twice, though, we have known the inexplicable joy of having our longings fulfilled through our two beautiful daughters, Kathryn Elizabeth and Alisa Jane. The proverb is true - a longing fulfilled truly is a tree of life.
In March 2015, were brought to our knees in joy when we discovered we were pregnant for a third time in our marriage. In May 2015, we were brought to our knees in heartache when we learned that our unborn baby, a girl, most likely had Down syndrome. We decided to share our journey of pregnancy with Alisa publicly, petitioning for the prayers of our friends and family throughout that journey. You can read the beginning of those posts here. Alisa was born on October 29, 2015, at which point we knew immediately that she had Down syndrome. She is our precious gift from God, and He has already brought incalculable joy to many through her life. To read any posts related to our pregnancy journey with Alisa, search the category "when God says no" in this blog.
Chasing Genuine is first and foremost a blog about discovering and living genuine faith as Christ followers. This allows us to explore many different topics and issues as we seek to integrate our Christian faith into our daily lives. Often, I share details of our journey with Alisa, as it has brought us to a deeper place of genuine faith in this broken world. Thank you for stopping by to enter into our world for a bit!