Chasing Genuine is a blog dedicated to the pursuit of a genuine life in Christ.



A Little About Us...

Filling many roles over the years, such as daughter, minister's wife, mom, professional counselor, and friend, I have discovered a common thread in these relationships: the depth and complexity of matters of the heart. This blog is dedicated to examining these complex issues of the heart, seeking God's truths on these matters, and hoping to encourage readers to live genuine lives of authentic faith before God and others.

A little more about me...I live with my husband, Trey, in the great state of Texas. Trey is a full-time student minister, and I stay home to take care of our little ones.

Speaking of our little ones, we have three kiddos, each with a special story in our family. Our oldest daughter, Kate, was born to us in 2011. Her birth was a healing gift after we had suffered a devastating miscarriage two years prior. Our youngest daughter, Alisa, was born to us in October 2015 after years of unexplained infertility. She rocked our world when we learned in utero she would also boast an extra chromosome. Our middle child, Justin, was born to our family through adoption in March 2017.

I can't leave out our furry babies, two dachshunds and a great dane. All of our little ones keep our home entertaining and constantly bursting with energy and activity!

Thanks for stopping by!